This is me on the Internet

About me


Hello. My name is Mike Sedelmeyer and I currently work in financial planning and analysis at Harvard University.

In previous roles, I have tackled growth and performance challenges in finance, operations, and technology in organizations as diverse as the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Ford Motor Company, and EMC Corporation (now DELL EMC).

I combine my experience in analytics, consulting, and finance to help guide organizations toward improved operations and more effective decision-making.

You can learn more about my background on this page, find my resume on LinkedIn, and see examples of my analytics and development work on GitHub.

About this site

I spend a lot of time thinking about data science, analytics workflows, and bicycles. This site provides an opportunity for me to write about these and other things that matter to me. As this site grows, you’ll likely find plenty of writing on those topics.

On this site

Last revised: 2020-01-20